Arse, I've broken it I thought. My right ankle you see has been the site of a fair few 'over on the ankle' injuries after I tore ligaments and muscle badly in 2o01 in an off piste telemark ski-ing accident 4 miles from the nearest road, 10 miles from the nearest town, 3000' up a mountain in -17C in the arctic circle in late February with less than 2 hours of light and therefore relative er warmth left (as you do). My ankle has been a little floppy since then as they never really recover from ligament tears.
After about 3 minutes of writhing the pain began to subside and I began to wonder how will I get the 1/2 mile back to my car. Do I wander a further 300m to a conveniently located but quite possibly closed British Legion club, try to hobble back myself or just sit and wait, hoping for some sort of rescue. I opted for number 2 and gently got myself to my feet, testing the mobility of my foot when I was steady. Full movement waahoo, not broken so I hobbled away, taking 20 minutes to cover the distance, some sort of record surely.
Off to A&E to check for breakage I was amazed to have luckily hit a real lull and was processed with x-ray in an hour. Anterior talofibular ligament (the one in front of ankle joint) tear but no bone issues. Good news in one sense but 4 weeks (ha that'll be right) off running I was advised.

My large et puffy ankle about 2 hours post injury
The swelling has already almost subsided in a bout of amazing healing, but there's bruising down to my toes now. I'll hang off the running this week and next, but try a few exercise bike sessions next week instead. I need to work off the calories you see in preparation for the upcoming England vs Australia rugby match at Twickenham on the 15th November. I've been invited into a corporate hospitality box for the day with a champagne and canapies starting at 11:15am, then nice 3 course lunch, match then open bar. Great!
As a Scot married to a Queenslander, do you think I'll be supporting the home team?

Can I ask what proprioception exercises you have done?
Sorry to read about your ankle! Hang in there and trust that the rest will be good for you in the long run. You've had a long year with lots of races.
Enjoy your day out at the Rugby!
Sure Davie - I've been standing on one leg with my knee bent balancing as a means of developing proprioception, and doing the same thing but with my eyes closed. Any other exercise suggestions gratefully received. :-)
Been a bit slack of late but I reckon the reason I went over on Saturday is that I went over on my ankle to a lesser degree twice during the OMM whilst contouring round very rough ground. I must have slightly torn or weakened muscle or ligament then.
Ouch - sorry to hear about this!
On the proprioception note, I shave every morning standing on one leg with my eyes shut !
As you've chosen to support Australia at twickers on the 15th I can only say you've got everything you deserve, Sir!!!! ;)
What I want to know is, what were you writing about for those 3 minutes?! Not my preferred activity after a sprain (which usually involves a lot of repetition of "sh*t, f*ck, sh*t, f*ck....") ;-)
Hope it heals quickly although as you say, you're probably always going to be a bit prone to re-injury. Strapping would no doubt help but it would be a bit of a pain doing it before every run.
Yikes. Looks pretty nasty.
Take care.
Hope you recover soon. Its good that there are no broken bones.
Wobble board! Same type of exercise (standing on two legs) balance with arms, without arms, eyes closed catch ball bounced against a wall etc. Trampette (that's not a young hooker, but a small trampoline)bouncing, again going onto closed eyes, bouncing ball off wall.
I'm not surprised to find that you have had a few turnings on the ankle, after one the joint seems to have difficulty controlling movement leading eventually to a bad one. Something to do with the distance from brain to joint, or the complexity of the joint. Even for professors!
Hi Brian, bummer about the ankle :(
I had a bad one a couple of years ago and was off running for about 3 months, just did lots of swimming and biking. It ended up the rest did me the world of good. The wobble board might be good rehab too, it never did Rolf Harris any harm.....
Brian, sorry to hear about your injury. That looks bad.
To look at the positive side... if that is possible at all... the timing is not too bad since the days are shorter the weather is bad anyway and no big races are on the calendar. And we need a rest anyway after that tough season (which in your case was quite a successful one).
Anyway, good recovery. I hope to see you soon somewhere on the track again!
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