Wednesday 6 August 2008

Serious preparation for the Devil o the Highlands ... ahem

Well, I've been devoting all my energies of late to preparing for the Devil O the Highlands by er shaking off the strangest cold virus I've ever had. Know how your forearms feel if you've been lifting lots of lots of heavy things or doing forearm curls in the gym - totally pumped out and not able to grasp properly? Well there's a cold virus going round my work which makes those who catch it rather tired and cold-like with muscles which ache as if they have been exercised to failure and beyond (if that's possible). One of my colleagues got it and his quads felt like he'd been running downhill for a week on end. Fairly bizarre as the muscles afflicted really really feel exercise hammered.

A gratutious photo of Eilidh as she's great

I did a fast canal towpath run last Thursday and went out for a BBQ afterwards. I thought I felt really woolly headed after 1 beer so went home and woke up with really exercised feeling calves and biceps and a sore throat. Arse, just what I need to train for the 3rd race in the Triple Crown. On Saturday my whole body just seemed to collapse. My left ham was very sore in a particular spot and my right calf extremely tender. Then my forearms began to feel really pumped out. I struggled to lift a 2 l carton of milk up - my arms trembled under the strain. Not very safe or handy at baby care.
The virus peaked and I was normal enough to go to work on Monday but my even as I type my arms still feel quite pumped. Most odd. All the other aches and pains went away except for my right calf which I appear to have actually strained somehow. My wife has been massaging it and it is responding well but I'm not exactly in form for a great time this Saturday and the Devils. Oh well, c'est la vie. I'll be well in the mood for a pint afterwards.
Good luck to all the WHWR Family members also running, and thanks to Mike, Murdo and Dave W for the best wishes.


Thomas said...

Brian, I hope you'll be fit enough for a good race still. Despite the last minute bad luck you seem to have.
I had quite a messy week as well with loads of self inflicted injuries due to foolish exercises (and over-eating). I will not be 100% fit but really looking forward to this race.
See you on Saturday!

Debs M-C said...

Very best of luck on Saturday. We're hoping to make it along to the start, so see you there.
Have a good run. The treble is very impressive. Debs

Brian Mc said...

Cheers guys! See you there.

John Kynaston said...

Have a great race Brian. Run sensibly and finish strong.


ianbeattie1 said...

Good luck Brian. Allybea and I are backing up Dario so will see you at the start. Ian