Monday 26 May 2008

What's wrong with my bum?

On an initial glance your answer to this question might be 'why there's nothing wrong with your bum Brian, it looks perfectly fine'. Well yes I suppose, on the exterior it might look fine, but inside this slightly hairy pair of muscle groups all is not well.

I bailed out the WHWR in 07 unable to bend my right leg at all at Kinlochleven - very very frustrating. My sports therapist diagnosed a weakness with my hip rotator / glute which was causing my hams to overload and basically give out, as well as be more injury prone generally. He has helped it lots over the past six months particularly but wasn't able to be precise about any biomechanical cause underlying the weakness so off I went on Saturday to see a biomechanical specialist in CMK Therapy. £35 for a 40 minute sports assessment session - great value and I'd highly recommend them -

He first of all got me to take my shoes off and stand on one leg, then the other, with my legs bent. He was looking to see whether I had good pelvis control and it was pretty clear that standing on my right leg my pelvis control was a bit shaky to say the least. This was a strong indication that the source of the problem is my glute med muscle.

The glute med muscle
The glute med is used for lateral pelvic stability, for abduction and medial rotation. After some more testing and some exercises the biomechanical specialist, Gary Conway, was sure the problem is my glute med - basically it isn't firing properly when I extend or medially rotate my right leg. He can't say why this is so, it might be a bad habit I have got into over time without any particular trauma or might be a habit I've adopted as a consequence of some injury.
Anyway, he was extremely practical and sent me off with 5 different strengthening exercises to do after seeing me run on a treadmill just to make sure his diagnosis was right. What a great value, helpful assessment session.
I've started doing the exercises and my right cheek is on fire - serious lactic acid! Aaagh, but it's all for the best. :-)


Subversive Runner said...

Nice one mate....a whole post about your arse!!!! I'll have to go some to beat that!!

John Kynaston said...

Interesting post ... it's amazing what you can learn reading these blogs! Hope it clears up quickly and you're fit and ready for 21 June.


Thomas said...

Brian, thanks for your comment on my blog.
I do a few exercises already to strengthen my hamstrings.

If it is not too much hussle, can you give the details of those new exercises you have started doing?

Brian Mc said...

It would be easier by phone - email me b dot mcintosh at cranfield dot ac dot uk with your mobile and I'll call you.

Marco Consani said...

Hey Brian,

Glad to hear that you have some direction for your injury now and I am hoping that it clears up quickly. Hopefully during the OMM you wont be talking about your bum so much.. ;-)

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Last night went great with no issues with my shin. My legs are tired this morning but that may be down to having only 3 hours sleep.
