Monday 8 December 2008

Music for post race relaxation

It is very easy to get carried away with excitingly fast and heavy music and Billy (the shoe?) has pointed out that I may have gone too far with Napalm Death. I have to agree at least partly. However motivatory they may be for runnng, they ain't pleasant listening.

So as a counterpoint here is an example of the kind of music that would suit the drained, elated, knackered, slightly out of body state likely to be induced by running a long ultra ... The Butthole Surfers and Hurdy Gurdy Man ... now relax ...

I'll blog about running next time. Honest.


Debs M-C said...

It's amazing what sh*te you find to write about...when you're not running. I've become quite good at it.

Brian Mc said...

I don't know what you mean. Me and great music. You and swimming costumes and rubbery hats. ;-)

Subversive Runner said...

Hey mate, I've got a blog post coming dedicated solely to you....I've found some footage of you on Youtube as a young student.

Re: ITB, I don't think the problem is that. I've suffered with ITB before and regularly stretch them out now. This feels decidedly ligamentish (anterior cruciate ligament??). Funnily enough it feels much better today and I can feel an urge to put my shoes on and have a run out.